Hello everyone!
First off, we'd like to thank Jon and Jenn for the blog website and the idea.
We are Jeff and Alison, proud parents of Noah Hugh Dirstine. Since Noah doesn't have the ability to talk yet, Ali and I will be using our vast powers of extrasensory perception to delge into the mind of our infant. In this blog you will find the daily goings on with Noah, and his life adventures. Enjoy reading!
To Begin...
Noah made it known at 4:15am on 12/12/2007 that he wanted to let everyone see his face. Noah's Mom, Alison, started feeling contractions early in the morning, and by 6:15am, Noah's parents decided today was the day. We went to the hospital at 11am after timing contractions for 7 hours, but Kaiser said to go home because there wasn't enough activity. Here is Ali in the observation room.
So, with both Soon-To-Be-Grandmothers present, we all went to Coco's restaurant for some lunch, before we would spend the next 3 hours at Grandma Livingston's house. As the contractions increased, Noah was making it very well known that today was in fact the day and that he would have his 15 minutes of fame. Around 5pm the same day, we rushed back to the hospital, and this time Kaiser admitted her to the Labor and Delivery ward on the 5th floor. Alison was being actively monitored by the L&D staff for blood pressure, contractions, Noah's heart-rate, and much more. She was administered a epidural when the contractions became too tough to bear, and as you can see in the below picture, Alison is feeling quite good.
Noah, when he exploded onto the stage, was a bit upset at the accomodations. He made it quite well known that he would have potential as an Opera Singer later in life.

All Noah wanted was to be close to his mommy and daddy!

Jeff and Alison were very proud that day of the addition to the family.