Saturday, March 29, 2008

Spring 2008 Update

Hi guys! It appears I haven't been as diligent as I could have been updating the blog. It's my daddy's fault, and he's sorry. So anywho.... Here is a quick update of the last 2 months!
I met with my buddy jack on January 20th to chat about the hard life of babies these days. Though it was a private conversation, my mommy and Uncle Jon were privy to the conversation:

Then, on February 9, 2008, I hung out at Grandma and Grandpa Dirstine's house for a bit while my dad did some techie stuff.

My mommy, daddy and I then made our first trip down to La Quinta, and I got to hang out with both grandparents! Oh, how I love getting fussed over!

Then, I got treated to some new golf duds! Check me out at the Tommy Bahama's restaurant!

All of a sudden, we were celebrating Easter and the rising of Jesus to heaven. My parents got me some MORE cool duds. I'm so spiffy it's gross! lol.

(PHEW). Almost there folks, hang on! So, now it's March 26th, and almost completely caught up. Daddy, mommy and I went back down to La Quinta again, and they took pictures of me just in my diaper! The nerve! I was drooling and everything. But ask me, what can a 3 month old do about all this abuse? Roll with the punches... Here are the pictures from the last few days... Enjoy!

By the way, I'll do better to get a post in sooner next time! Aloha!