We spent this afternoon at Tutu and Sir's house to celebrate Easter! Everyone was there: Mama, Dada, Tutu, Sir, Aunt Nora, Aaron, Mimi, Pop-Pop, both of my Great-Grandmas, Aunt Mary, Aunt Marisa, Uncle Mike, Cousin Ella, Uncle Jon, Aunt Jenn and
Cousin Jack. It was a packed house!
We did a great Easter egg hunt in the backyard. Aunt Nora and Aaron did the hiding and Jack, Ella and I did the seeking. Jack and I had lots of practice so we knew exactly what to do. I looked for eggs at daycare on Friday and Jack went to a city-sponsored egg hunt yesterday. We were primed!
Here I am finding an egg...
...and another...
...here's one more...
...almost missed this one...
...wow, these eggs are everywhere!
Jack was very good at finding eggs, too!
Good job, buddy!
Here's a little video of Jack and I in action. I kept saying "over there" and Jack got some help from the egg hiders. Hee, hee!
And even little Ella got into the act.
Not bad for her first hunt!
Finally, we had found all the eggs. Whew!
Here I am with my parents. Notice I was much more interested in the Cheerios hiding in this egg than getting my photo taken. I have priorities, people!
Here's Jack with his Mama and Dada. Adorable! Is that a paparazzi hand in the photo? Those guys are everywhere!
And here are Tutu and Sir with their
grandbabies. Are we cute or what?
And we tried to take a photo of Mimi and Pop-Pop with their
grandbabies but Jack got away before Dada could snap all four of us. Oh well!
What a wonderful and blessed Easter with all of our family! Let's do it again next year!