Monday, May 31, 2010

Fun in the Sun with Cousin Jack

Last Saturday, Uncle Jon and came up to our house to play. Aunt Jenn was at a retreat so it was a boys only adventure. They needed a retreat, too! We decided to enjoy the day by walking up to the park. Daddy bought this neat bike trailer for me and we've yet to use it. But it also doubles as a stroller for two. So for us two boys, it was double the fun.
Here are some photos of us enjoying the park. We even played on the "big kids" equipment. Mommy usually makes me stay on the "little kid" side but we decided to take a walk on the wild side. Wow, these things are cool.

So it was a great day for Jack and me. Come back soon, buddy!

Happy Memorial Day!

Happy Memorial Day, everyone!

So sorry it's been a while since we blogged. We actually had some nice visits with family last weekend but Mommy was so busy that she forgot to post the photos (stay tuned for some cousin fun with Jack). It happens. Plus we have all been under the weather. We're all feeling better now but it was a rough week for all of us.

Anyways...we celebrated Memorial Day yesterday with Tutu and Sir. They cooked us a wonderful BBQ with hamburgers, corn (first of the season), potato salad, fruit and apple pie. Yummy! Of course, I had mac n' cheese but did partake of some delicious BBQ potato chips.
Here I am being super cute and patriotic! Go, America!
It was such a nice day that Daddy thought it would be fun to take a few photos of little old me. Am I handsome or what?
We thought we'd take advantage of the nice day and spend some time in Tutu and Sir's yard. Here I am checking out some cool seed pods with Mommy.
What's next, Tutu?
Here I am petting the turtle...
...and the duck...
...and checking out the dog. It's a memorial to Autumn, Tutu's beloved Golden Retriever.
And no visit to Tutu's garden would be complete without me splashing in her fountain...
What a blast, huh?
Then I thought I'd lounge for a bit. Comfy!
And I thought I might try to climb a tree but Mommy caught me.
She let me spin the pretty wind chime instead.
It was hot enough in Los Angeles yesterday to swim but the water in the pool felt like ice water so maybe next weekend. Here I am feeling very sad about not swimming.

It was a super Memorial Day! Thanks, Tutu and Sir, for the fun BBQ! Have a great week, everyone...

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Happy Trails, Tutu!

On Thursday, we surprised Tutu at a special dinner for all the Catholic high school principals she supervises. See, Tutu is retiring in less than a month and they honored her at a dinner at the Los Angeles Athletic Club and we were invited but she didn't know we were coming. Here I am chilling out in one of the comfy chairs.
Aunt Nora was there, too! I was happy to see her.
Here's Tutu, Sir and one of Tutu's co-workers, Sr. Angela. She's a nice lady and I gave her a lot of fist pumps and stickers, too.
Actually, there were fist pumps for everyone!
And everyone at our table got a sticker. I'm very generous that way.
I also played a lot of peek-a-boo with Aunt Nora across the table. You have to entertain yourself some way, right?
Then it was time for Tutu's special honor. She got a neat plaque that listed all her years as a teacher, assistant principal and supervisor on it. Here she is giving a speech to the crowd.
Wow, my Tutu is so cool!
One more photo of our family before we left. Mimi and Pop-Pop were there, too! I was ready to go so I wasn't having any more pictures.
Congratulations, Tutu! We are proud of you and all your many years of molding young minds. I know you will be busy golfing, traveling and visiting little old me. We love you!

Bath Time Fun!

Guess what? I'm 29 months old! That means I am almost 2 1/2. Cool!
I thought I'd celebrate by sharing one of my favorite things with you: bath time. Once a week, Daddy adds bubbles to my bath and I love them. I usually put them all over my head like a hat.
But soon, all good things have to come to an end. Here I am rinsing off the bubbles.
All done!

Monday, May 10, 2010

Happy Mother's Day, Mommy!

Yesterday was Mother's Day! Hooray! I love my Mommy so I celebrated her all day.
I made her this lovely card at daycare. That's my hand holding the flowers. At least it's my hand print.
This is the inside. It says, "You are the best Mom in the world." That is the truth!
I also made this photo holder with my picture on it. It has a magnet on it and everything.
We had a big day and partied with all the moms we know. We started out the day going to church with Tutu, Sir and Aunt Nora. Good thing they have a crying room. I circled the ramp over and over and over.

Then it was off to brunch at Tutu and Sir's country club. Mommy was misinformed and told her family that the brunch started at 10 but it really started at 11. Who listens to Mommy anyways, right? So we had some time to kill. Jack and I gave lots of kisses and hugs to Aunt Jenn.
And Aunt Nora taught us all about golfing. So you hit the ball and go after it until it makes it in the hole. Fascinating! I think I'd rather ride around in the cart.
Then it was time for brunch. I busied myself by playing peek-a-boo.
Then Tutu and I played with stickers, of course.
Here I am with Tutu, Sir and Cousin Ella: all of Tutu's Treasures!
Here are Aunt Nora, Pop-Pop and Sir getting ready for some amazing food.
Then it was time for photos with the mommies and grammies. Here is Mommy and Uncle Jon with their Mommy, my Mimi.
And here is Pop-Pop with his Mommy, my Great-Grammy.
And here is Daddy, Aunt Nora, Aunt Marisa with their Mommy, my Tutu, and her grandchildren, too.
And here are Jack and me with our Mommies and our Mimi.
About 15 minutes into brunch, Jack and I started to get restless. Good thing Uncle Jon was prepared.
He has lots of fun games for toddlers on his iPhone. Here I am playing with a farm animal game.
And then I thought I'd decorate a bit with stickers.
Here is a rare photo of Mommy holding Ella with Aunt Marisa, Ella's Mommy, on her first official Mother's Day. I was busy playing iPhone games so I didn't even notice.
Here's Ella with both of her parents. Your big day is coming in a month, Uncle Mike!
All good things have to come to an end. Awww! Jack and I thought we'd attempt to take a nice photo with Mimi before we headed home. Not too bad...
Ummm, not quite...
We were all saying "cheese" in this one...
OK, enough cheese already, people.
Oh, boy...
Thank you, Mommy, for all you do for me. There's nothing like your hugs...
...your sweet, silly smile...
...or abundant kisses for me. I love you, Mommy!
By the way, I fell asleep in the car before we even got to the freeway and slept for three hours! I was pooped!
Later that night, we took a quick trip down to Mimi and Pop-Pop's house so I could meet Mimi's Cousin Susan. She was in town from Pittsburgh, PA, for the tapping of "Dancing with the Stars" tonight. Her college friend is Evan Lysacek's mother so she came to root for him in person. I don't know who this Even guy is but it sure was great to visit with you, Susan. Come back to California real soon, OK?
Whew, what a day! Happy Mother's Day to all you mothers out there! Can't wait until next year...