Yesterday, we went to Great-
Grammy's house to celebrate her 88
th birthday. I know, you are probably asking yourself, "didn't you already celebrate Great-
Grammy's birthday the weekend of the
Viggianelli reunion?" Well you would be half right. The thing is, Grammy loves to cook and she wanted to make us all dinner to
celebrate her birthday. But with reunions and trips to Maui, we just didn't have the time. Until now...
When we arrived, Grammy had a bag of goodies for Jack and me. So I got busy with the dinosaur water squirter. Daddy helped me learn how to use it.

Soon I was "watering" the plants on my own.

Then Mimi and Pop-Pop arrived and I saw them from the porch and ran out to greet them.

I had hugs and kisses for Pop-Pop...

And of course Mimi, too!

Then when Jack, Uncle Jon and Aunt Jenn arrived, we moved inside and played with all kinds of toys.

Jack and his Daddy read a classic together.

And I tried on
Grammy's glasses. They fit like a glove!

Then it was time for dinner. I was having my usual, mac n' cheese, while everyone else had
Grammy's famous spaghetti. Here's Grammy trying to persuade me to try it. No way, lady!

After dinner, it was time for an old fashioned parade! Mimi, Jack and I warmed up.
Here's a glimpse of our parade going by. Enjoy!

Then it was time for Grammy to blow out her candles. Only she let Jack and I do it instead. Good practice for our third birthdays, huh?

Jack and I were sure to share our cake with Grammy. We're generous that way.

Then came the best part of the night. Grammy pulled out a big box full of costumes she had made for Mommy and Uncle Jon when they were kids. What a treat! Here I am wearing Uncle Jon's scrubs shirt and Mommy's clown hat. There were also
Indian costumes and a
Beetlejuice one. Who the heck is he? I guess you have to be old like Mommy and Uncle Jon to remember that one.

Jack joined the fun, too! Silly! I think that hat's a bit big though, buddy.

Unfortunately, all good things have to come to an end. After a bath, Jack and I took one last photo with Grammy. Boy, do we look tired. But isn't our Grammy adorable?

Thanks, Grammy, for dinner and a great birthday celebration! Sorry it took us so long...
Bye for now, Grammy! We love you!