In December, my preschool class worked on its coordination and visual skills. But before we get to that, we also made quite a few awesome art pieces for the holidays. Here are two more gifts I made for my family. The first is a reindeer card and the second is a photo frame.
Here's the inside of the card. Neat, huh?
I also made this glittery Christmas tree...
...this neat stocking (which Ms. Leslie hung in our classroom during the month)...
...and this hand-print Santa (looks like I forgot to draw on the face...I must have been tired).
OK, on to the topic of the month. Our visual skills lessons included matching like objects...
...and distinguishing differences, like big and small.
We also had to do letter matching. I did pretty good on this one.
Creating patterns is another visual skill we worked on. Here's my square circle square circle pattern.
On this worksheet, we had to cut out and paste the presents in the space with the same first letter. Hat starts with "H" so I pasted it there. I was able to match them with a little help. Not bad.
So our coordination and visual skills sure did develop in December! Can't wait to see what we do in January for learning about nature and science. Stay tuned...