This past Presidents' Day weekend, we took an extra day off on Friday and headed out to La Quinta to spend a relaxing time with Tutu and Sir. It was one of those weekends where you don't have anything planned but just go with the flow.
All of these photos were caught on Daddy's new iPhone as the moments happened. As you can see from the photo above, Daddy got a new app that let's you make a sketch out of any photo. So we played with that. Neat, huh?

Of course I had to eat. Here I am waiting for Mommy to serve me my breakfast one morning. I know, I live a pampered life.

I also had lots of snacks and played with all my toys, especially my race track. We also read lots of books, played with Play-
Doh and more.

And we ate out A LOT. Here we are on one of our restaurant adventures. I think Mommy and I are coloring in this photo.

We even got to stop at Pop-
Pop's favorite place on the way home on Sunday: The Bass Pro Shop. Here I am trying to take home a big fish. OK, so it was a fish pillow. A boy can dream, right?

But most of all, we had a great time. Daddy and I had fun taking photos of each other on his new phone. I love that you can see yourself in the camera while the photo is being taken. I thought it was hilarious. Observe...

Here's a little video of me thinking this seeing-yourself-as-the-photo-is-being-taken thing is the bees' knees. Silly!
So there you have it. A nice, long, relaxing weekend. Much needed, I'd say. Thanks, Tutu and Sir, for having us at your desert house. We had a blast just doing nothing in particular!