Sunday was Father's Day! Yeah! It's a day for us to do nice things for our Daddies. I was all ready to celebrate my Daddy. Mommy got up early and got Daddy his favorite breakfast treat: doughnuts! Yummy! Even I got to eat one with sprinkles on it...it was delicious!

Mommy and I got Daddy lots of fun things for Father's Day. We got him this cool "Big Daddy" mug and filled it with his favorite candy...

...and this neat bear (it says "#1 Dad" on its cap).

But the best gift was this ceramic heart with my hand print on it. It says "So much love in such small hands" and when you press it, my voice says "Happy Father's Day. I love you." Cool, huh? Daddy also got a cool new video camera for himself. It is really spiffy!

After nap, we went over to Uncle Jon and Aunt Jenn's house for a big family celebration. There were a lot of us there! Our great friends, Paul, Allison, Emily and new baby Everett, joined us as did our dear friend,
Dele. Jack's Po-Po Grace and
Yee Shari were there and so was Tutu, Sir, Uncle Mike, Aunt Marisa, Cousin Ella, Great-Grammy and of course Mimi and Pop-Pop. Whew! Oh, boy, I think we are going to have some serious fun, people!

Jack had a tent set up in the back yard. Cool! Emily, Jack and I had a great time playing inside.

Then it was time for some gifts. Uncle Jon sure was happy to get our "May the Force Be With You" glass filled with candy.

Pop-Pop looks a bit confused in this picture. I think he has too many cards to open.

Uncle Mike was all ready for Father's Day in his "#1 Dad" T-shirt.

Boy, Sir, that is a lot of gifts! Hope you like our golf mug and coasters...

Pop-Pop looked almost like the bear we got him and he also loved his grandpa mug. Mimi approved, too!

Daddy got some cool gifts, too! The Daddies certainly scored on gifts this year!

Time for a super cheesy smile break. It's what I do best.

Some of us kids made pet rocks for our Mommies and Grandmas. Great-Grammy lead the crafts and brought us nice stickers to put on our rocks. Emily really loved it. Me, not so much. I stuck to running around the yard.

I stopped long enough to have a cupcake, which turned out to be my dinner. There are eggs and flour and milk in there...almost a well-balanced meal. Mommy did sneak in a few strawberries and milk, too.

Ella loved her cupcake, too, as you can see. Especially the frosting. Silly girl!

Then it was time for a birthday celebration for Emily! She turned 3 on June 11. So Mimi had a special Belle cake just for her. It was beautiful!

Emily did a great job blowing out her candles and I had a great time singing the Birthday Song.

All of us kiddos couldn't wait for a slice of the Belle cake. It looked so good...

...and it tasted good, too! For those of you who are keeping track, that is my second piece of cake for the evening and my third sweet treat of the day. I was on a roll. In Mommy's defense, you can't exactly deny a three-and-a-half-year-old boy cake once you start handing it out to everyone, can you? I think not.

The best part of the day was getting to meet Emily's new little brother, Everett. He was born on May 4 so he is only 6 weeks old. Here he is with his Daddy, Paul, on Father's Day.

Here's Paul with both of his little ones. So cute! Emily just loves her new brother. We can only hope that I will be as great a Big Brother to Peanut one day. I will certainly try.

Then it was time for a few pictures of Jack and me with our Daddies and Grandpas. Here's a silly one of us with my Daddy.

And here's our best attempt of one with Uncle Jon. Let's try that again, shall we?

OK, never mind.

I might have had other things on my mind during this photo with Sir. I could have been trying to score another piece of cake....we may never know.

And I believe that Pop-Pop was a bit disgusted with my lack of enthusiasm during this photo. What do you expect? I'm a busy boy and I had had a fun-filled day.
Wow, what a day! We sure did celebrate all the Daddies in style! Happy Father's Day to everyone, especially to my Daddy...you are my
bestest pal and I love you!