By the way, the feather hat had nothing to do with numbers but Mommy just had to include a photo of me wearing it since it is soooo cute.
We reviewed shapes at the beginning of the month and made this neat "Bag of Shapes" to hold our squares, triangles, rectangles and circles.
We did a lot of numbers worksheets, which helped us get used to counting.
We also did lots of puzzles to help us with our math skills.
One afternoon I came home wearing this cute necklace with some numbers attached to it. I think I was supposed to practice counting these.
Ms. Leslie even introduced us to graphing. We made one for numbers 1 through 5 using Foot Loops. And we ate some, too.
Here's another worksheet where I counted the sheep and Ms. Leslie helped me recognize the number that goes with them. Then I colored the sheep and got a "good work" sticker on my paper.
I learned that math also includes recognizing and making patterns. So we made our own patterns in class. Mine was very colorful if I do say so myself.
We also learned how to count everyday items. Here I counted one cotton ball, bead, foamie and noodle and glued them on my sheet.
This worksheet really impressed Mommy (and school director, Ms. Edna, too). Ms. Leslie told Mommy one afternoon that we were starting to learn how to draw straight lines. Wow, right? Here's a worksheet showing just how good I was getting at it. Not bad for an almost four-year-old.
This last worksheet shows my progress writing my numbers. OK, so Ms. Leslie helped but she says my hands are very steady, I hold a pencil very well and it won't be long before I am doing it all by myself. Awesome!
On the last day of the month, we made these neat number flash cards to take home and continue our number practice and recognition. Very cool!
So, I sure did learn a lot about numbers and other math concepts in September! Whew! In October, we will start working on our fine motor skills. That will include cutting, drawing straight lines, manipulating small items and even writing letters and words. So stay tuned...