Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Luck O' The Irish

Happy St. Patrick's Day!

We spend the Saturday before the "Big Green Day" at Tutu and Sir's house for a traditional dinner and celebration. Tutu made corny beef and tried to sneak some on my tray but I just kept throwing it off the side. Nice try, Tutu!

I definitely wore green because Dada said that I'd get pinched if I didn't.

Tutu and Sir have lots of fun toys at their house for me to play with. I love this one with the door the best. It makes lots of fun noises and I know exactly how to push all the buttons.
Tutu even saved some what Mama calls "retro" toys from when Dada and his sisters were little. This one makes music. If only I could figure out how it works...
Here's Tutu playing with me. This toy is neat, huh?
Mimi and Pop came for dinner, too. They're not Irish but Mama says that's OK. Not everyone is perfect like me.
Sir even helped me play the piano. I think I might have to learn how to do it for real one day.
And the day would not be complete without some wacky fun with my Aunt Nora. She is so funny! We even got to meet her special friend, Aaron. He's pretty cool in my book!

So "Erin Go Bragh," everyone! (Tutu says that means "Ireland forever") Hope you had a great St. Patrick's Day. I know I did.

Wow, we're almost caught up now, people! Only one more post from this past weekend! Yeah!

See you soon...

Monday, March 30, 2009

I Got This Walkin' Thing No Problem

Hi, everyone! Noah here...

On Wednesday, March 4, I was feeling particularly crabby about my teething so Mama and I went home early from daycare. I was watching some Sprout (my favorite channel, you know) and decided it was time to nonchalantly walk across the room to see if Mama was watching.

Well obviously she was since we have this lovely little video to share of the whole experience. By the way, Mama apologizes for getting overly excited. Hey, it's not every day your little boy walks, right? Enjoy!

Tutu (that's my Dada's Mama) says that I walked on my Great-Grandpa Prys' birthday, which she says is so fitting. He would have loved me!

This last weekend I finally grew out of the shoes my Cousin Jack handed down to me so I went out and got new ones...some awesome sneakers and some sweet sandals. I loved them so much I walked right out of the store when I tried them on. I'll have to have Dada take a few pictures of me in my new shoes. I'm getting really good at this walking thing, for sure!

Catch you later, my peoples!

Next post: St. Patrick's Day fun...Stay tuned!

Friday, March 27, 2009

A Day At The Park!

So as you know, we moved into a cool new house in October. There is a fun park just up the street that we can all walk to. OK, so Mama and Dada do all the walking. I ride in my stroller.

This park has lots of fun stuff to do and even has an area just for us little guys. So far I love the swings the best...
Hey, Mama, look at me. I'm in a swing! Push me, Dada...
Mama and I climbed up to the top of the slide...
And we went down together. I was a little scared but Mama was there so it was OK.
Let's come back tomorrow, Dada. This park is the best!

See you all again soon...Come back next week to see video of me walking for REAL!

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Walking...What's the Big Deal?

OK, so I started working on walking all by myself in February. I would take one or two little steps here and there but I decided that I wanted to take my time and get good at it before making a commitment. Like my Uncle Jon says, "Everyone walks...EVENTUALLY." That works for me.

Anyway, here is a short video of my very first attempts at walking (February 26, 2009). I was riding my dragon, Elliot (you know, he's Pete's Dragon), and decided I'd give it a shot. Please ignore the lovely jammies Mama is wearing...focus on the baby, people.

Maybe next time I'll walk further...Stay tuned!

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Oh To Be 1...It's So Much Fun!

Being 1 is great!

Here's some stuff I learned how to do in January...

I started eating real food (no more of that baby food stuff for me, people). I love mac 'n cheese the best, as you can see, and I insist on feeding myself.
And I am growing soooo big! Just check me out!
I also learned a few new skills. My Aunt Nora taught me how to throw a ball. Pretty cool, huh?
But I still love peekaboo...a boy can never have enough of that.
In all, I'm a happy boy! As long as I have my lovey (AKA blanket of any receiving variety), I'm OK.
Oh and check out my new smile. Gotta show off those awesome new teeth somehow.

Maybe I should work on that walking thing people are talking about. Maybe I'll have made some progress by my next post...

Bye for now...Keep smiling!

Friday, March 20, 2009

Santa Came! Amazing...

So I was skeptical at first but Santa actually showed up on Christmas morning and brought me this present. (By the way, check out my awesome Christmas jammies...Am I gorgeous or what?!)
Cool, it's a plane! It makes sounds and the people go up and down. Gee, thanks, Santa. I do believe in Santa...I do, I do, I do!
Are you up there, Santa? Next year I want a pony and a football and a Lotus (OK, Mama made me put that...a girl can dream, right?). Oh and Dada says you LOVE chocolate chip cookies the best. See you next year!

I hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas! See you soon...

Christmas, Christmas Time Is Here!

Merry Christmas, everyone! This cool thing happened...I not only got a whole bunch of really cool stuff for my birthday but then a few weeks later I got more stuff for Christmas. Bonus, huh? Here we are at Mimi and Pop's house on Christmas Eve...
Wow, is this big bag for me? What's inside?
Hurry, Mama, what is it?
Come on, Mama, open it! Open it!
No celebration with the Livingstons would be complete without a few tears...
That's better. Here Jack and I are with our pretty mamas! Dada says I have to go to sleep now so that Santa character can come and bring me presents. I think he just wants the cookies Mama and I baked. We'll see...

Thursday, March 19, 2009

My First Birthday Par-ty!

Well the "BIG" day finally arrived! My Mimi and Pop were nice enough to have my party at their house. When we got there, all my friends were already there and I was so excited!
We took some family photos since everyone was there. That paparazzi is still following me. Where do they come from? Anyway, here is my Mama's family...
And here is Dada's family...
Jack and I even took pictures with Mimi and Pop...we all suck our thumbs, you know.
And all my aunties were there to celebrate with me. What can I say, I am sooooo adored! My Aunt Darlene even came all the way from Miami (she's the one on the left). And I love my crazy Aunt Nora (on the right). She makes me laugh. And guess what, they tell me my Aunt Marisa is having a baby in July (it's going to be a girl...works for me as long as she shares her toys).
Then people started singing and I got a bit confused. Not so sure what this "cake" thing is...
Oh, I'm supposed to eat it. OK, not so bad...
Here, Mama, you try some, too!
So my birthday was a total blast! I hear you get one every year. Sounds good to me! Bye-bye for now...

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Wow, Now I'm 1!

Today I'm 1-year-old! I'm very excited about it, can't you tell?
Oh, no! Is 1 old? I hope I still have my boyish good looks. Oh and here I am still in my jammies, too. Can't you wait until I get dressed to take my picture? I mean, really!
I was posing for photos when I realized there was this "thing" behind me...
Wow, it's so shiny and sparkly. I wonder what it is? Birthday, shmirthday! I'm going to check this thing out. See you at my party...

Who Is This Guy?

So I went to see this guy named "Santa." People say he lives at the North Pole, brings you toys on Christmas morning and rides on a sleigh pulled by eight tiny reindeer. I don't know about you but that sounds awfully fishy to me. I mean what's with the red suit, bucko, and what are you hiding behind that beard? Maybe this whole thing will make more sense next year. I think I have to discuss this with my cousin, Jack, and get back to you...

I'm 11-Months-Old

Hi, my peoples! I'd thought I'd give you a quick 11-month update...

Here I am one month from my birthday!

Now that I'm almost 1, life is getting more hectic! The phone rings off the hook! Got to keep up with the peeps...
...I just realized that I'm going to be 1 in only one month. The pressure!
What can I do but look soooo cute! My mama loves this photo the best.
Bye for now...see you soon!

So Sorry for Not Blogging Sooner...

Greetings all of my wonderful friends and family!

My mama and dada have been soooooo busy lately and have not had time to post anything to my blog since the end of October. Wow, that's a long time, right? How would I know...yesterday seems like a year ago to me. Anyways, I've decided to do a few posts to catch you up to where I am today. I hope you enjoy them. Make sure to add a comment so I know you've been by!

Noah Hugh
(15 months old...yeah, it's been that long)