Happy St. Patrick's Day!
We spend the Saturday before the "Big Green Day" at Tutu and Sir's house for a traditional dinner and celebration. Tutu made corny beef and tried to sneak some on my tray but I just kept throwing it off the side. Nice try, Tutu!

I definitely wore green because Dada said that I'd get pinched if I didn't.
Tutu and Sir have lots of fun toys at their house for me to play with. I love this one with the door the best. It makes lots of fun noises and I know exactly how to push all the buttons.

Tutu even saved some what Mama calls "retro" toys from when Dada and his sisters were little. This one makes music. If only I could figure out how it works...

Here's Tutu playing with me. This toy is neat, huh?

Mimi and Pop came for dinner, too. They're not Irish but Mama says that's OK. Not everyone is perfect like me.

Sir even helped me play the piano. I think I might have to learn how to do it for real one day.

And the day would not be complete without some wacky fun with my Aunt Nora. She is so funny! We even got to meet her special friend, Aaron. He's pretty cool in my book!
So "Erin Go Bragh," everyone! (Tutu says that means "Ireland forever") Hope you had a great St. Patrick's Day. I know I did.
Wow, we're almost caught up now, people! Only one more post from this past weekend! Yeah!
See you soon...
You look good in green little guy! It is pretty cool to be Irish isn't it? At least that ONE day of the year! :) I see Tutu has one of Emily's favorite toys - the "playhouse" - it sure does do a lot of fun things!
Oh Boy, you are almost caught up, Master Noah! You better thank your mama for all the help, I sure do!
I'm glad you had a fun St Patrick's Day. When you're a little older you'll find out how Irish you are if your hair turns green on March 17th like mine used to!
Someone replaced that baby with an avocado. Oh wait, that's Noah!
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