So the big day finally arrived and I soon learned more about this baptism thing. First you get godparents. That was an easy one. Mama and Dada chose Aunt Marisa and Uncle Mike and they said "yes" because they love me so much. Then you choose a place. Here we all at Our Lady of Lourdes Catholic Church. That's Mama's childhood church so it was special to be there. Now we just have to wait for Mass to begin.

At the beginning of Mass, Fr. Freddie came over to us and asked what we were there for and who I was. I was a bit nervous so I had to suck my thumb the whole time. Then everyone made the sign of the cross on my forehead. By the way, there was also a QuinciƱera that afternoon, too. I don't know too much about that but the ladies sure did look pretty. How Fr. Freddie made the whole thing work is amazing.

But back to me. So then we all came up to the alter and the adults stood for me and promised to help me grow into a good young person. Cool, huh? And check out my awesome little white suit. I'm cute, what can I say.

Then it was time for the water. I was a bit shocked at first but it was nice and warm so I didn't cry one bit.

Then Fr. Freddie consecrated me with oil. It was a bit, well oily, but smelled really nice.

Then Aunt Marisa lit my baptismal candle. It looked really cool so I tried to grab it. But she was quicker than me. Darn, maybe next time...

Then Dada held me up for everyone to see. They clapped for me. And I clapped, too.

Here I am with Tutu and Sir right after the ceremony. Wow, that was intense!

And here I am with my wonderful godparents. I don't have to get wet again, do I? Whew, that was close.

And here we all are with Fr. Freddie. Mimi and Pop are in the back row with Tutu and Sir. I'm feeling pretty special now and as Uncle Mike said, I definitely got my holy on.
Soooo, what do we do next? I keep seeing all the adults eating something when we're at Mass. I wonder what that is and why they don't share with me...I'll have to check into that one.
Thanks so much to everyone who came to my baptism and for sharing in this special day with us!
Congratulations Noah! It looks like you did a great job and took it all in stride...
Noah - you were an angel at your baptism - it was just beautiful!
Congratulations Noah! Now, if only Jack was able to be as cool and collected as you were during your baptism. Sigh. :)
This is one of the most wonderful events in my life (almost as special as the day you were born, Noah, and the day Jack was born!) May God bless you every day.
I love you,
Hi Noah...long time no see but glad you put all the great pictures up of your special day, special weekend!! What a lucky guy to have such a great family who came from all over the place to celebrate with you! You look so handsome and interested in everything that was happening! I sure wish I could have been there...I'm thinkin' I'm finally going to get to meet you pretty soon! I have lots of hugs saved up for ya! Love, ~meg
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