So sorry we haven't posted in a few weeks. I got sick (just a quick 36-hour virus...I'm good now) and Mama has been really busy at work. But the good news is Mama got her new netbook last week and it is up and running for her to blog anytime she wants. So we all promise to check in with all of you a lot more often from here on out.
Thought I'd clue you in on a new development in the life of Noah. The other day Cousin Jack and I decided to try bathing together in the big tub at Mimi and Pop's house and it wasn't too bad. So we decided to try it at home the other night. At first I was a bit aprehensive...
So, little inflatable tubbie, you and I had some great times together but it's time to say goodbye...and hello to the big tub! Whoo-hoo!
Oh, I love the "butt shot". Definitely, one to show all the ladies that will come around for dates.
Looks like the breast stroke? How wonderful the days when you can really stretch out in the bathtub-ENJOY!
Love it! - and by "it" I mean the post... ;) You are such a big boy now, Noah, to swim around in the tub!! And to think that just a few months ago you were not so into water!
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