Today we went to Bob's Big Boy. They just opened a new one in Sun Valley near Mimi and Pop's house so we thought we'd all check it out. When we first arrived, there was Big Boy waiting to great us. I wasn't so sure what to think of him at first. Is this thing real or what?

Then Mimi convinced me to take a photo with him. Still not sure if he's real or not.

There was an even bigger one outside the restaurant. Wow, seriously. Then Aunt Jenn caught us and said we probably shouldn't be standing there. That's when Mimi stepped in the puddle by Big Boy's feet. She thought maybe he went pee-pee. Silly Mimi!

Then Jack had to check out Big Boy, too. Hmmm, we both have the exact same look on our faces: part intrigue and part complete terror.
So Bob's Big Boy was pretty much like everyone remembered: they still serve Pappy Parker's Chicken to Uncle Jon's delight (Mimi says he practically lived off those meals when he was little) and the Big Boys were, well, "Bob-tastic." Pop kept telling everyone what everything cost back in his day. Did you know that the Big Boy Combo was only $1.29 in the Stone Age?...amazing! All in all, we had a blast as usualour afternoon with the Livingstons was a riot.
So this time next week we will be in Maui! Mama is taking her laptop with her so that we can update you every few days. So next time we meet, I'll be an islander! Cool! Have a great week and see you soon...Aloha!
When Pop was paying $1.29 for a Big Boy Combo, he was making $1.25 an hour at Howard Johnson's! Not the good old days!
We sure had fun with BOB!! I think you liked him, Noah!
Love you!
If you just wanted a Big Boy it was $.75. I ate of few thousand. Great day...Pop
I am so happy to see Bob again! I don't really remember the food, just him. :) Also, I am SOOO jealous that you are going to Maui!! I have to email your mom ASAP - I have been a slacker!!
Bob looks great! Holding up well for another generation of fans! You do look a little suspicious of this ridiculously large boy, Noah! Good to be cautious in new situations.
Yikes, MAUI?!?!?! What a lucky guy! ALOHA!!! Need lots of pictures!
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