So the big day finally arrived! Everyone came up to our house for a Halloween party: Pop-Pop, Tutu, Sir, Uncle Jon, Aunt Jenn, Jack and even Aunt Nora and Aaron stopped by on their way home from a soccer game in Palmdale. Jack and I started to get restless after dinner so we blew off some steam in the backyard while we waited for the sun to go down...

Here's Jack being sneaky behind the rose bushes...

And here we are playing ball...

"Come on! Isn't it dark enough yet?"

It was finally time to trick or treat! Then I realized that I had to put back on the dragon costume. I was not happy at all. I finally put it on after much pleading by Mama but would not wear the hat...

Here I am getting some comfort from Tutu. I had just had a few tears over the costume...
Then our whole crew headed out to get some treats. Jack was a mailman. Great-Grammy Mary made him a postal bag and everything...

Here I am with Mama and Tutu. I'm not so sure about all this. Can't we just go back home a watch some Yo Gabba Gabba?

Here I am walking up to the first house. OK, let me get this straight...you ring the doorbell, say "trick or treat" and they give you candy. Got it...
Here's a video of Jack and I getting our first Halloween treats.
Wow, that was pretty easy...so I guess I can now cross "trick or treating" off my list of firsts. What will I do next?
Happy Halloween, cyber-friends and see you again really soon...
I adore his face in the picture of him not being happy about his costume! I think it is normal for them to think the whole thing is a little crazy and prefer to be at home. If not, our kids are just weird! :)
We had such a good time. I think the boys will have more fun in a few years. We will definitely be back -- it is a great neighborhood for treats!
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