Happy New Year! I got to ring in the new year in style this year. I got ready by brushing up on my sticker skills.

We were going to Mimi and Pop-
Pop's house that evening to celebrate and I had to be sure I could handle the stickers. See Mimi has lots of stickers at her house and I've been a little bit
obsessed with stickers. OK, a lot
obsessed. I down right love them. I pull them out of books, off of sheets and just about anything with a sticker on it. I even pull off the sticker skeletons. Waste not, want not, right? Then I hold them in my
thumb sucking hand (while sucking my thumb, of course) until they lose their stickiness. Then I wipe them off on my clothes. Then I get a new sticker and start all over again. I've been at it for a a while in this picture. My
jammies are covered in stickers.

Mimi was having a little party with some of her friends that evening. Pop-Pop was on a long fishing trip so we wanted to make sure Mimi had lots of company. So Mama, Dada and I went down to join in the fun and spend the night. When I got there, Great-Grammy and I played with this train.

Then I called for Bobbee through her
doggie door. I kept saying "
Baabaa." Too cute, huh?

Then I decided to man the bar so I took a seat on the cooler for a while, until someone shooed me off because they wanted a soda. Rude!

I then passed the time coloring. Mimi got this big coloring book with jungle animals complete with, you guessed it, stickers! See, I told you there would be stickers. Good thing I practiced.

Then I decided to eat the blue crayon so my coloring adventure was done for the night.

Then it was getting close to my bedtime so I blew on a blower since I would be missing
midnight. These things are pretty fun!
Here's a cute little video of Mimi showing me how to do it. Thanks, Mimi!
Well, I sure enjoyed New Year's Eve. Hope you had a good one, too!