Happy New Year! I got to ring in the new year in style this year. I got ready by brushing up on my sticker skills.

We were going to Mimi and Pop-
Pop's house that evening to celebrate and I had to be sure I could handle the stickers. See Mimi has lots of stickers at her house and I've been a little bit
obsessed with stickers. OK, a lot
obsessed. I down right love them. I pull them out of books, off of sheets and just about anything with a sticker on it. I even pull off the sticker skeletons. Waste not, want not, right? Then I hold them in my
thumb sucking hand (while sucking my thumb, of course) until they lose their stickiness. Then I wipe them off on my clothes. Then I get a new sticker and start all over again. I've been at it for a a while in this picture. My
jammies are covered in stickers.

Mimi was having a little party with some of her friends that evening. Pop-Pop was on a long fishing trip so we wanted to make sure Mimi had lots of company. So Mama, Dada and I went down to join in the fun and spend the night. When I got there, Great-Grammy and I played with this train.

Then I called for Bobbee through her
doggie door. I kept saying "
Baabaa." Too cute, huh?

Then I decided to man the bar so I took a seat on the cooler for a while, until someone shooed me off because they wanted a soda. Rude!

I then passed the time coloring. Mimi got this big coloring book with jungle animals complete with, you guessed it, stickers! See, I told you there would be stickers. Good thing I practiced.

Then I decided to eat the blue crayon so my coloring adventure was done for the night.

Then it was getting close to my bedtime so I blew on a blower since I would be missing
midnight. These things are pretty fun!
Here's a cute little video of Mimi showing me how to do it. Thanks, Mimi!
Well, I sure enjoyed New Year's Eve. Hope you had a good one, too!
Yes, good thing you practiced with the stickers. What a crack up. You are also quite good with the horn, Noah! Happy New Year!!
That was fun for Texas Mimi to see your mimi, great grammy and some of the friends at your party, Noah! Thanks! I also love the picture of you tending bar! Happy New Year!
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