So since I am a big boy now, I decided it was time to kick the diapers and go pee-pee and poo-poo in the potty like all big kids. OK, so I didn't really have a choice in the matter. My daycare is moving me up to the Preschool Class in August and guess what? I have to be potty trained. If you listen closely, you can probably still hear Mommy sobbing a bit. Oh, dear.
By the end of the weekend, I went poo-poo and pee-pee in the potty. And yesterday, I went pee-pee at daycare. Not bad for my few days, right? Daddy says this takes practice so I'm going to keep at it. I'll let you know how it goes...
On another note, Daddy figured that if I was going to start potty training, I better have more suitable sleeping arrangements. So while Mommy and I were shopping, he converted my crib into a toddler bed.
When I woke up from my nap, I discovered the change. I think I like it. I had a bit of trouble the first night (a bit of a mishap with my lovely falling out of bed and me not being able to find it) but by last night, I had slept through the night no problem.
So there you have it. A big weekend full of firsts! I think I'll get my driver's license next...
Hang in there Momma -- I think potty training is going to be harder on the parents than Noah! I am so impressed by the reward system - great idea about the stickers. Good luck! You will be going to the potty in no time.
Best of luck to you Noah - and the whole family! What a big time for you big guy! You are getting so big so fast!!
I think you're on the right track Noah, you seem to understand the whole program....waiting, reading, stickers, etc! Nice for Mama that you are such a sticker fan, may speed things up!? Good luck with this big milestone!
love ~m
Noah, reading while on the potty is a great idea! It helps pass the time. I'm sure Sir has some good golf magazines for you to look at too! You are an amazing 2 1/2 year old. Tutu
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