The fall is officially here! Hurray! It must be time for one of my favorite things to do in October. You guessed it...time to pick pumpkins!
Last Friday, I went on the annual pumpkin patch field trip with my school. Mommy and Daddy both took the day off to go with me. Every year, us kids at Notre Dame go to Lombardi Ranch in nearby Saugus for a morning of fun. I was all ready for a great day!

Once all my classmates arrived, we started out the day with a train ride through Scarecrow Alley.

I sat next to my two
bestest friends, Maggie and Gregory. You might remember that they are twins. Thought I'd remind you in case you couldn't spot the family resemblance.

The twins and I had a blast pointing out all of the scarecrows along the way. We kept saying, "another scarecrow" each time we spotted one. Mommy and Daddy thought we were hilarious.

After the train ride, we were off to pick our pumpkins. They gave us each a bag to carry it home in. I wonder what is inside?

Oh, boy, it's an official Lombardi Ranch balloon! I tried and tried to blow it up but unfortunately my little lungs just couldn't do it no matter how much I huffed and puffed. Darn!

So I had to get a grown up to help me. Thanks, Daddy!

We all took turns picking the perfect pumpkin to take home. I picked this one. What a beauty, huh?

Before moving on to our next adventure, Daddy showed me another use for balloons. The squeaking was a bit too loud for my tastes.

Then it was time for the petting zoo. Ms. Kitty was showing her two-year-
olds how nice it is to pet the goats.

But when Daddy tried to get me to pet one, I said, "no, no, no" and put my hands in my pockets. Daddy thought it would be funny to illustrate my genuine fears for the camera. That's pretty much my reaction.

Daddy tried and tried to show me how tame the goats really were and that they actually were very soft and gentle. But it did not work. I was definitely not going to pet one.

So we took a nice but strained photo with the goat instead.

If you are wondering where Mommy was during all this goat drama, well she was standing safely on the other side of the fence. Good call, Mommy. Those goats were shifty.

After the petting zoo, it was time for our annual group photo. I decided that I was brave enough to climb to the top of the big haystack by myself. Mommy took photos nervously from the ground.

Super Noah! I loved it!

Here's the whole
Notre Dame gang. Not all of us were looking at the camera or even happy to be taking a picture but this is about as good as it gets with a whole mess of two-, three-, and four-year

Oh, just in case you were wondering, that nice lady sitting next to me is Ms. Leslie. She is the best teacher and all of us preschoolers just love her!

After a quick lunch and a few goodbyes to my friends, Mommy, Daddy and I went off to pick just a few more pumpkins before heading home. Daddy and I found this cart and away we went.

There sure were a lot of pumpkins to choose from. We settled on one more big pumpkin to add to our three smaller ones from the pumpkin pick. I picked it out all by myself.

Then I picked one last
itty bitty pumpkin for Peanut. I thought she needed one, too, even though she's still hanging out in Mommy's tummy. I'm thoughtful like that.

Finally, I picked out a few gourds to decorate our dining room table. I like this one, Mommy.
Whew! What an awesome morning we had at the pumpkin patch. I can't wait until Halloween so we can carve all our pumpkins. Oh, boy! Until next year, Lombardi Ranch...