Hidee ho, everyone!
On Saturday, Mama, Tutu, Sir and I colored Easter eggs. I was plenty skeptical of this new venture and decided after much debate that I would supervise the whole operation and have a snack instead of getting my hands dirty. Emily Rose's Mama is probably saying that my Mama chickened out of letting me do the coloring (Note from Mama: She'd be right...maybe next year, Allison) but I had fun just the same.

Here are our eggs in the dye. What happens next?

Here's Tutu taking out the first egg. Wow, it was white and now it's blue. Fascinating...

Wow, you guys are good at this. These are some pretty neat Easter eggs. What do we do with them now? Mama says that's the age-old question...she says you're supposed to make egg salad sandwiches the next day. Sounds weird to me but OK.
Then it was time for an Easter Egg Hunt! I'm not too sure what that is but I'm willing to try anything.

Here's Tutu "hiding" the eggs...

So you go around and pick up the eggs and put them in the basket. I can do that...

Look, I found some more, Tutu! This is fun! I have one for each hand...

Wow, there's stuff INSIDE?! Bonus! Let's try some...

Wow, that's a lot of eggs, Mama! Let's do this again next year, OK?
Now we're supposed to wait for this Easter Bunny character to come and bring us stuff on Easter morning. If he's anything like Santa Claus, I'll have to see it to believe it...
Oh it's okay that you didn't get your hands dirty and that your Mama is a chicken! :) If they try to pull the same stunt next year though you just tell them to send you this way! It sure looks like you had a good egg hunt!
He is a smart kid -- who wants to get their hands dirty?!?! Eww......
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