We had a pretty quiet weekend at our house so no new photos of me doing wacky things. But I had an excellent day at daycare yesterday that I want to share with you.
As many of you may know, I have a very narrow palette, meaning that I eat a few things regularly and very rarely try new things with success. What can I say, I have texture issues. Plus I'm a toddler so I'm supposed to be quirky. My teacher, Miss Magdalena—God bless her—has been working super hard to get me to try new foods like the other kids. Mama used to pack me a lunch but all the other kids ate the food that the school makes so I would protest and refuse to eat my packed lunch. So they all thought that if they offered me the school food I would succumb to the peer pressure and eat it. But this has not worked to the adults' advantages so far. Mama gets reports from Miss Magdalena like, "ate none" or "refused" or "no way." What can I say, I'm a complex toddler.
So cut to yesterday...Mama arrived and the director, Miss Edna, greeted her at the door with some serious smiles and said, "you won't believe what happened today?" Mama picked up my daily report and it said, "chicken nuggets: ate all, bananas: ate all, mashed potatoes: ate all, corn: ate none." Miss Magdalena finally got me to eat almost everything! She was so proud! "Three out of four is not bad," she told Mama. OK, so I did not eat the corn but veggies are definitely not my favorite so let's take this one step at a time, people. So Mama kissed me and hugged me and almost kissed Miss Magdalena, too. How embarrassing! So maybe I will eat almost everything today, too. You can never be too sure with us toddlers...
Oh, in the photo above I am eating snacks from my new Poo-Poo Platter (you know, it's the fun appetizer platter you get at Chinese restaurants...Mama will do anything to get me to eat). Mimi gave me this neat food tray for Valentine's Day and it has little compartments perfect for snacks! Smart Mimi! So Mama just keeps filling it with snacks that I like (you know crackers, yogurt melts, puffs, freeze dried fruits, etc.) and often gets me to try new healthy snacks without me really paying much attention. So I just walk over when I'm feeling the munchies and eat a few tidbits. What can I say, I've got all these adults wrapped around my tiny little finger. Hee, hee!
Have a super week, everyone! And happy fourth anniversary to Mama and Dada tomorrow!
YAY Noah!!! That is SUPER fantastic news!! My question is... was it hard to get you to eat finger foods at first - with your texture issues and all? My sweet Emily has NO interest and gags (okay, even throws up sometimes) when she has something kinda solid in her mouth. If you were the same then tell Mama and Dada to fess up - I need help!
Oh and also, tell Mama and Dada Happy Anniversary!
Noah is just on his own timetable, Mama! So glad to hear that he is eating more now -- there is so many more things out there to taste!
The kid is turning into Jon right before our eyes...pop
such a discriminating young man! Mimi and Pop love you, Noah!
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