On August 8, I started a new preschool school year! Hooray! Now that I have a wonderful and experienced teacher, Ms. Leslie, we have a set curriculum for each month. Pretty cool, huh? From here on out Mommy will be sharing what I am learning each month along with the artwork I made. That way I will always remember the fun I had in preschool.
So for August, all of our classwork involved the theme "All About Me." Ms. Leslie addressed skills and concepts that are important in growing up. We talked about who we are and that everyone is unique. We made a picture of our family that week. I'm the little guy on the right.

We also talked a lot about our emotions. We made these cute little stick figures so we could work on recognizing when we are happy and unhappy. I've gotten really good at telling Mommy and Daddy when I am happy, sad or mad.

We also talked about our five senses and made artwork for each one. Here is a picture I made out of macaroni of an "E" for eyes. It's also tactile so it helped us learn about our sense of touch at the same time.

We also made this collage about our sense of sight. I circled the eyes on the kids in the picture.

The next week, we talked about personal hygiene. Ms. Leslie says that it is important to take a bath (we gave baths to a few baby dolls...guess I might need that skill when my little sister arrives), go to the potty in the potty (even my friend Gregory tried it) and brush our teeth (we even got to take home our very own tooth brush). I made this tooth puppet and pretended to brush him in class. It was fun!

And finally, we spent lots of time recognizing and learning our names. I learned that "N" is for Noah and made a picture all about it.

We also attempted to write our names. Mommy thinks this picture is pretty cute. Ms. Leslie says it's the recognition that counts. All in good time, right?
So I guess I learned all there is to know about me this month. And I think Ms. Leslie learned a lot about us kids, too. I love my new teacher and I can't wait to see what we'll learn in September...