Yesterday, Mommy and I invited Mimi, Tutu and Ella to join us for member appreciation morning at the L.A. Zoo. The men of the family were at our house helping Daddy clean out the spare bedroom for Peanut. Since it was set to be quite a
scorcher out there, it was awesome that we got to enter at 8:30 a.m. Ella and I got in our strollers and were ready for an adventure with our grandmas.

There was a lot to see but we decided to stick with our favorite exhibits since we would only last a few hours. So we stopped by the koalas to see if the baby was out and about.

We didn't see the baby but we did see this lovely koala up close. She was eating her breakfast. Yummy!

Mimi explained all about the koalas. She is so smart.

We went in search of the elephants but they were not out yet (still
sleeping, I think) so we headed next door to check out the chimps. Notice that Ella is still riding in her stroller. Ordinarily she does not ride for long but I think Tutu has super magical powers so she rode all day. Amazing, right?

Anyways, back to the chimps. We got a good look at this guy. He was enjoying a hammock in the shade. Good thinking, buddy. It is sure getting hot.

I love pointing out the animals. Will you look at those chimps...they are the best!

Then we went by the giraffes. They were eating breakfast, too. The baby sure is getting big, huh?

What else is there to see, Mimi? Let's keep rolling!

We attempted to see the tigers, bears and snow leopards but they were still "sleeping." If I look through this telescope maybe I will see some tigers. No such luck.

We did get a great look at this awesome hippo. He had the right idea spending the morning in the pool.

Boy, Mommy and I sure do love the hippos!

He would dive under water and then wiggle his ears when he came up. It was cool!

Ella and Tutu loved the hippos, too.

Stay cool, hippo dude!

Then I tried to climb into the tortoise exhibit but good thing Mimi was there to stop me.

Gotta love those tortoises!

Then it was getting a bit too hot for our tastes so we decided to take a seat in the shade to wait for the elephants to come out. According to the zoo volunteer, the girls (Tina and Jade) were on their way out any minute. It was a perfect time for a snack.

Despite the heat, Ella and I were having a pretty good time. It sure is nice to have a beautiful little cousin to enjoy the zoo with.

Did I mention that I wore my favorite zoo shirt for the occasion? I sure am a "
Zooper Star!"

OK, so we waited and the elephants never came out so we thought it best to move on. On the way down the hill, we caught a glimpse of the new carousel. It's almost ready and should be in operation this fall. Oh, boy!

On the way out, we stopped by the flamingos (they were sleeping when we passed by on the way in). I had to tell everyone that they are stinky, which they all agreed they were. P-U! Hey, what is THAT in the left corner of the photo?

Did I mention it was Star Wars day at the Zoo? These guys were walking all over the place taking photos and talking with the guests.

I decided it was probably safe to take a photo myself, as long as Mommy was with me. Say cheese, Star Wars guy!

Tutu and Ella took a photo, too. Cute!

By about 11, it was officially too hot to stay at the Zoo. So we headed over to Mimi's Cafe for lunch. Ella and I were all smiles. It was great being in the air conditioning!

Soon it was time to say goodbye. Thanks, Tutu, Ella and Mimi for joining us for a
sizzling morning at the Zoo. I had a blast!
Oh man, Noah, I BET you were toasty!! We had a birthday party at a park from 11-1 and were dreaming of some air conditioning or even a hippo pool! Glad you had a good morning and some grub with so many nice ladies!
Oh gawd. Saturday was a HOT day. I am sweating just looking at the photos.
Notice everyone looks REAL hot except Ella & Noah.
It was a fun day! I loved seeing Ella and Noah together. Tutu and I enjoyed it all!
It was a terrific day in spite of the heat! Thanks Ali for arranging a special time together! Ella and Noah are sooo cute together!
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