On July 31, Mimi, Pop-Pop, Mommy and I went down south for a special event for our newest friend, Everett. As you know, he is my friend Emily's little brother and their Mommy and Daddy had a little party called a sip n see so everyone could meet him. He's getting pretty big and was almost three-months-old on the day of his party. He's super cute, huh?

So sip n
see's are a bit boring for three-year-
olds so Emily and I took the opportunity to have a total blast playing together in her playroom. We started off the
afternoon playing Connect Four. In our version of the "game" both players get as many of the pieces in the grid as they can. It was fun!

Then Cousin Jack arrived. Now we really had a party!

I had lots of fun playing with Emily's magnet board. It was cool!

And Jack had fun spying on people with Emily's binoculars.

Since it was such a nice day, we moved our fun outside. Paul, Emily's Daddy, helped us blow bubbles. Emily was really good at it.

I took a turn, too.

Then Emily and I played "catch."

I also discovered Emily's sidewalk chalk so I had to draw a bit.

And Jack invented a car lawnmower contraption. Pop-Pop thought he had a future as a golf range ball picker upper. Silly!

While Jack was inventing, I checked out Emily's sandbox. I gotta get one
of these!

Back inside, everyone was loving on Everett. Mimi thought he was amazing and so handsome.

She even had a conversation or two with him with our friend
Dorla's help.

Even Mommy got in a few Everett snuggles.

Emily and I got in on the act, too. Cute!

Soon it was time for the fun to end.
Awww! So I said good-bye to my beautiful friend, Emily, until next time!
Thanks, Allison and Paul, for having us all down to your house to spend time with Everett. We had a grand time!
Aww! You got so many great pictures of all of the fun I missed! Makes me feel like I was there... like THERE THERE... in the room, not wandering around. ;) I am cracking up at the picture of Mimi and Everett... they have the same face!! Thanks for coming!!
Great photos! What a fun day. We have officially welcomed that sweet, sweet Everett! Thanks to our friends, Allison and Paul, for having us.
WOW! Thanks, Noah, for sharing your pictures of the fun day! I didn't get to see much of these activites either but I did notice the Connect Four game when it started. Aren't you the big shots to go find fun in the playroom together!
~Other Mimi (Emily's)
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