Saturday, November 8, 2008

Halloween Pictures - a week late! SORRY!!!

It's Halloween Time! I'm a Scarecrow! So stay away from my pumpkins and corn, or I'll rasberry you to death!
Ok, so the costume is cute, but something is starting to bother me.

So, my parents had this great idea of putting a straw hat on my head.....

I like it off my head better... So you can see my handsome smile!

My daddy carved these oumpkins for my first halloween... They look cool to me!

Next holiday has something to do about peanuts and a turkey... Not sure what either one is yet.

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Update on the whole crawling and standing thing~

Hello All! Just wanted to let you guys know I have been practicing my crawling and standing. I can get up to the standing position and back down now pretty easily. Check out my video!

Sunday, October 26, 2008

October is a fun month!

I can't believe Jack is one year old already.
It's like we're old men.
It was nice hanging out with Great-Grandma Mary, Jon, Jenn and the bunch.

It was a beautiful day in Monrovia, a little cloudy, but beautiful. I even got to see Jack have his first cupcake!

I'm just 2 months away from getting one of those!
The very next day.... on October 12, 2008, I turned 10 months old!

I also learned what a "pumpkin" is. We went to the Lombardi Ranch in Bouquet Canyon. It was great! They had so many pumpkins, corn, and gords, that we made out like bandits for under $20. Remind me to ask my daddy what a "20 bucks" is. Sounds like alot of something! I wonder if he will give me some?

They say you get "candy" on halloween. So much to learn, and only two teeth to work with... Stay tuned for the next update!

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

I'm nine months old!

Can you believe it? 9 months come and gone? Wow!

I've got the balance thing down a bit better...

Ready for my close up Mr. Devile.

Saturday, August 30, 2008

Working on the momentum thing...

I'm trying to crawl so bad... just working on the momentum thing right now.

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Hanging out at Mimi and Pop's Joint.

Here I am hanging out at Mimi and Pop's House. As you can tell, Pop is behind me, and my daddy is being my loyal papparazi. Cousin Jack, Uncle Jon and Aunt Jen are coming over. I can't wait to see everyone!

My daddy asked me to pose for him. Am I handsome or what?

Here's Part of the Gang.

Cousin Jack is learning to stand and scoot along things. I'm working on it myself.

I've master sitting by myself, and I must say, I'm good at it!

Until next time!

Monday, June 30, 2008

If it doesn't get all over the place, then it doesn't belong in your face.

I like vegetables. On my face..... On the high chair.... On my toys.... On my eyebrows...... On my bib.... In my ear.... In my hair... and on Daddy... You didn't get to see how I messed HIM up!

Friday, June 20, 2008

My mommy and Me

My Mommy does so many wonderful things for me. She feeds me vegetables (which I like more than fruit), cradles me, and puts me to bed. Don't get me wrong, daddy changes my diaper, drives me safely to school, and makes me laugh, but there is just something about my mommy that I can't live without.

She takes me to see cousin Jack....

She teaches me stuff.... I'm learning how to wave....

And no matter how far I want to venture into the world, my mommy is always there to support me. Guess I'm one lucky baby!

Big adventures in the big pool.

My daddy had a special day last weekend, and well, I thought I'd humor him by going swimming. I had to put on my swimming gear, and be cool for the water scene.

My daddy showed me how to motorboat around the pool. I liked that too.

I also got to swim with Aunt Nora and Mimi (Grandma Pat)!
So, this "pool" is like a large bathtub? I like it.
Then I met Winston. He is Aunt Marisa's and Uncle Mike's Pug.

Winston, or Winnie as I call him, is a great pal. We hung out and had a great time!

Winston and i played in the grass. We even brought our own papparazzi!

It was a special time for me. I was 6 months and 3 days old today. Mimi made me a special sheet cake with one-half on it for my age! OH how I wanted a piece of that cake!
Most of all, I liked spending time with my family.

Happy Father's Day, Daddy!

Saturday, March 29, 2008

Spring 2008 Update

Hi guys! It appears I haven't been as diligent as I could have been updating the blog. It's my daddy's fault, and he's sorry. So anywho.... Here is a quick update of the last 2 months!
I met with my buddy jack on January 20th to chat about the hard life of babies these days. Though it was a private conversation, my mommy and Uncle Jon were privy to the conversation:

Then, on February 9, 2008, I hung out at Grandma and Grandpa Dirstine's house for a bit while my dad did some techie stuff.

My mommy, daddy and I then made our first trip down to La Quinta, and I got to hang out with both grandparents! Oh, how I love getting fussed over!

Then, I got treated to some new golf duds! Check me out at the Tommy Bahama's restaurant!

All of a sudden, we were celebrating Easter and the rising of Jesus to heaven. My parents got me some MORE cool duds. I'm so spiffy it's gross! lol.

(PHEW). Almost there folks, hang on! So, now it's March 26th, and almost completely caught up. Daddy, mommy and I went back down to La Quinta again, and they took pictures of me just in my diaper! The nerve! I was drooling and everything. But ask me, what can a 3 month old do about all this abuse? Roll with the punches... Here are the pictures from the last few days... Enjoy!

By the way, I'll do better to get a post in sooner next time! Aloha!