Sunday, April 4, 2010

Easter Eggs Everywhere!

Happy Easter, everyone!
Yesterday, Mama, Dada and I colored eggs. That's right, Emily Rose's Mama was brave enough to let me do it this year. We brought my little table and a chair to the kitchen so I would be nice and comfy. Here I am fueling up with a snack before the egg dying began.
Here's Mama getting the dye ready. Oooh, pretty!
Let's do this, Dada!
Here I am putting my first egg in.
I had to watch it.
Here's the first one to come out. Wow, the egg was white and now it's yellow. Cool!
So I did pretty well and only made a few messes.
Here's a little video of my relatively mess free egg coloring technique.
Here I am with all my beautiful eggs. Wow, that was so much fun!
I had to check and make sure the eggs were OK.
Time to clean up!
Dada and I had a rough time getting our hands clean with just regular soap so we had to break out the industrial strength stuff.
Dada says my sucking thumb might never be the same. A worthy sacrifice for lovely colored eggs for Easter!


Allison said...

HAHA!! I am so proud of your Mama, Noah! A little mess goes a long way in the memory department! Looks like you and Emily have the same technique. :)

Ali (Mama) said...

I thought you'd get a kick out of this one, Allison!

Unknown said...

Noah, love the way you just plop the egg into the dye, very energetic! You sure gave your mama and daddy a good laugh! The eggs turned out really cool! Good job! Tutu who loves you

Anonymous said...
